Lime Works
Progress has been good onsite since the October blog. Christmas and New Year are distant faded memories and Easter fast approaches. We...
Fixed Oak Glazing - Part Two
As you may be aware from my last blog the lead up to The Carpenter Oak Glazing Team’s arrival was a challenging time. It was a huge...
Casement Windows and Bi-Folding Doors
Things have slowed down a little over the last couple of months on the build for a variety of reasons though nothing unexpected. The...
We Are Out Of The Muck!!
There have been lots of trials and tribulations since the groundwork began and many a sleepless night. Somebody though has definitely...
I don’t believe it finally started!!
Well I finally started the build after all this time. Even I was beginning to think I would never write a blog about the actual build!!...
Finally I Can Start!!!
Well I am very pleased to say that finally all the barriers, hurdles and red tape has been dealt with and I am now able to start to...